Saturday, April 10, 2010

Mini IPad coming next year?

A rumor circulated, Apple iPad would produce a smaller size. This product named mini iPad next year reportedly coming soon. Really?

This latest rumor is obtained, Saturday (10/4/2010), based Far East. The report says that in 2011, a small iPad appear immediately. Some time ago, the iPad has been reaping success with sales of more than 300 units on the first day.

Well, at that time some people had thought that the iPad measuring 10 inches, the size may be too big for them. Some users wish Apple would make smaller iPad.

Based on reports Digitimes, Apple is rumored to be producing a mini iPad with screen sizes between 5 or 7 inches. With mini size, the price is expected to come down. If true, it's likely Apple will sell at below U.S. $ 400.

IPad Mini is likely to be a gadget for users who focuses on e-book. As a result some features will be reduced too. Really? Only time can answer.
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