Sunday, April 11, 2010

U.S. and Europe Allied to attack Child Pornography

United States and the European Union united determination to fight the spread of child pornography on the internet. They announced it would conduct a joint program to stem.
The agreement was announced at the meeting of the Ministers of Justice and Interior Minister of the United States and Europe, which took place in Madrid, Spain.
"We decided on something very important for society, namely joint action to combat child pornography on the internet. Pornography children should be removed whenever we find them," said Viviane Reding, EU Commissioner for Home Affairs.
As reported by AFP and quoted, Saturday (10/4/2010), Reding explained, much is made of child pornography sites around the world, not least in Europe and the United States.
Not yet clear how detailed joint action between the country, Uncle Sam with the European Union this. What is clear from the European Union will involve their police agency, Europol.
Spanish Interior Minister Alfredo Perez Rubacalba added, the United States and the European Union will seek to deter not only child pornography, but also cyber crime in general.
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